This tongue piercing video was sent in by Aleta in Vegas!
I decided to get my tongue pierced just a few years ago here in Vegas. Also in St. Ink’s – a place where I got my dermal anchor.
The reason why I decided to get my tongue piercing was because I just ran out of other things to pierce – so I just wanted one more and I went for a quick one with some of my friends 😉
It didn’t cause me problems with healing – it just got a bit swollen.
They tell you when you get it pierced to eat soup for a few days and what not and that it can get infected very easily.
Also they tell you to get a really good piercer to do it or else you can really screw up your tongue.
But I didn’t really have any problems.
At first – for a day or so – I was trying to eat soup but I got frustrated with that and gave up! I just started back on regular foods and I didn’t really have any problems with it after that.
Once the swelling went down after a day or so, I didn’t have any more difficulties or trouble eating! 😉
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Thanks Aleta for submitting this piercing story, and give her thumbs up by liking it on Facebook and other social media accounts by using the toolbar below :!