This tongue piercing story was sent in by Debra from Indianapolis.
I was super nervous about getting my tongue pierced. I found someone to do it for 20 bucks and I took my adult handicapped brother with me 😉
He was laughing and smiling the whole time. I told him to hold my hand and he kept laughing the whole time I was screaming! 😡
I was upset because once it was done I couldn’t believe I had gone through with it. I’ve had it done for about 2 years now and I just dropped my whole case of rings down the sink trying to clean the balls.
I am upset but oh well I can get it redone later. I hope my story has amused you!
Don’t be afraid! Just do it! 😉
Thanks Debra for submitting this piercing story, and give her thumbs up by liking it on Facebook and other social media accounts by using the toolbar below ❗